Friday, November 1, 2019

Simon Property Group Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Simon Property Group - Essay Example People from different ethnic backgrounds are staying in the country. Domestic social environment of the country is very peaceful. Domestic environment related to technology is also very sound and modern in nature. The country sets benchmarks for other countries in the world. The country faces some problems related with corruptions and terrorism. Over all domestic environment of the country is very stable, modern, updated and suitable for investing money and doing business (Elizabeth, 2010). Commercial real estate industry in USA is on the recovery mode. From 2008 to 2010 the industry was severely damaged by global financial crisis. At that point of time graph of the industry was very down. Recently the industry is improving slightly. Traditionally big players in the industry were only focusing towards big cities like Boston, Los Angeles, Chicago, San Francisco, Washington and New York City. Now a day’s big players are shifting their focuses towards small cities also. Over the years the industry has faced lots of ups and downs. Unstable atmosphere was there in the industry. But with the time the industry has able to come back. People are investing into this industry. The industry has reordered an improved growth of 11% in the first quarter of 2014. For last 21 years Simon Property Group is there in the industry. The organization has controversy related to the payment of its CEO. The organization has negative attributes regarding patents. In 2011 the organization faced serious patent problems with North Mobile Tech Embroiled. Carpenter, Bauer and Erdogan has come up with an 8 phase rational decision making theory. According to this theory any decision can be made with the help of eight steps. In the first step of the theory identification of the problem is very much important. In the second step decision making criterion has to be fixed. In the third step all those criterions have to assign with different weigh. According to the theory

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